Thursday, February 10, 2011

So THAT'S how it works!

My Ellie-girl is an EXTREMELY fussy eater. There are lots of nights that she doesn't eat anything for supper at all because of it. I'm not a short order cook, so while I will slightly modify her meal (i.e. raw carrots instead of cooked or PB & J instead of grilled cheese-you get the idea) if she doesn't like what we eat, she doesn't eat. I was worried for a while. So much so that I actually talked to a nutritionist who said to look at what she eats in a week, not a day. As long as she eats decent amounts of all food groups in a week, she's good. She usually does and her doc says she is growing perfect, so we don't stress about Ellie and food. HOWEVER, like most kids, she LOVES desserts and treats. She doesn't get them if she doesn't eat her supper, because "if you are too full to eat supper, then you are much to full for dessert" as I like to say.

Last night, she informed us about how you can be too full for supper, but still have plenty of room for the good stuff. She's sitting in her chair, big ol' brown eyes just as earnest and serious as they can be and says "Mom, I'm really NOT too full for dessert. See, the food goes like this (finger goes down throat to her tummy) but the dessert just goes like this (finger goes down a short way down her throat and to a random spot between her shoulder and her neck). That's the dessert spot Mom." I paused for a sec and then Sam and I just busted out laughing. "Perks for being creative Ellie!" Darren pipes up that he wanted perks too, so I had to say "Perks to you to Darren!" and then he was happy even though he hadn't a CLUE what it meant. :) It was a great note to end supper on and everyone had eaten good, so desserts all around!

On a completely different subject, last night's supper conversation was again about baby names since we STILL got NOTHIN'! Darren had the winner, so if all goes according to his plan, his brother's name will be (drumroll please.....)
Jarsandwichcookie Refigerator Brandt
LOL! I don't know where the kid comes up with these, but I think they're awesome! :)

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