Thursday, October 27, 2011

Little Update and Some Cute Pics! :)

Thought I would just give a quick update on my little man:

Tuesday went well. I had to wake Kai up at 5 so I could feed him since he couldn't have anything after 5:20 AM due to the MRI and anesthesia, etc. He was quite confused when Daddy brought him out, but woke up enough to eat and went back to sleep thankfully. When we got to the hospital, he was such a happy little guy. Everyone was commenting on how happy he was and how much fun he was to play with. I know they probably say that to lots of people, but it made me feel better! :) He was EXTREMELY wound up and hyper for some reason-he was jumping all over and wiggling like none other-all while smiling and talking to anyone who would pay attention to him! :) The IV went ok. They put some numbing cream on both hands, inside both elbows and on one of his feet, so that was nice. When it was time for the IV, a lady from a department called Child Life showed up with a HUGE bag of toys. Her sole purpose for being there was to distract my baby so it didn't hurt so bad! What a cool job! She had all sorts of fun toys that he was more than happy to play and make noise with. When they started to put it in, I could feel myself getting very worked up, and then he made a little whimper and I just had to get out of there. Sam was holding him, so I went to a different room and plugged my ears. Looking back, the staff probably thought I was losing it! Sitting in an empty waiting room, tears running down my cheeks, with my fingers stuck in my ears so I couldn't hear my baby cry! I felt awful leaving him, but I didn't want him to pick up on my anxiety, and Sam the Superdad was there, so I figured it was probably best to just get out. Sam told me later that he didn't even really fuss-the only time was when they were holding his hand still and he wanted to move it! So thankfully the cream must have really worked. He has a couple bruises where they tried to get it in and it didn't work, but they don't seem to bother him. It took him a little while to fall asleep and he did cry then, but that was more a tired cry, not an owie cry, so I could handle that. There was a rocking chair in the room, so I could hold him and rock him to sleep which was just what this Momma needed to do.

Sound asleep, heading off to get his MRI

The MRI didn't take too long and then we headed up to the Ped Surgery Clinic for him to wake up. He was kind of a little stinker and didn't really want to wake up. It was pretty cute actually. We were trying to wake him up and he just kept whining like "MOM! I'm TIRED! LEAVE ME ALONE!" :)

This picture CRACKS me up! He was so tired, but we kept messing with him and I think he was getting hungry at this point too. I just love his facial expression. :)

He finally woke up enough to nurse and then fell back asleep. I think I needed to nurse and snuggle him as much as he needed me, and knowing that I was able to be a comfort to him went a long way to soothe this anxious mommy's heart. He slept until about 3 that day, and has been pretty normal ever since. He's got that nasty cough that's going around, so that's making him a little crabby, but no big deal.

The PA that I talked to on Tuesday called yesterday and said that Dr Pitcher was gone for the day and she wanted to talk to him before she gave us the results, so I am still trying to be patient and wait on Him! Thank you to all of you who have e-mailed, texted, etc letting us know that you are praying for us and thinking of us. It REALLY means a lot! Please keep at it and I will let you know when we know more!

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