Monday, October 24, 2011

Family Update and a Prayer Request

It's been a while since I've had a chance to post on here, so I thought I would just give you a heads up on what's been going down with the Brandt Family 6!

Claire has finally decided to be potty trained! I say that she has finally decided because we have been working and working and WORKING on it for MONTHS but being the stubborn little thing that she is, she pretty much had to decide. So, one day she just decided that she wanted to wear undies and has had VERY few accidents ever since! I don't even have to remind her-she just goes like she's been doing it for years! What am I going to do with that girl....

In the last week or so, Kai has gotten 2 teeth, started sitting on his own, is now army crawling wherever he wants to, and rocks on all fours-crawling will start soon I have a feeling! :) He also is now "talking" and has discovered how to holler loud enough to keep up with his siblings! He is still a happy guy and brings so much joy to our family.

We are still dealing with lots of colds in our family. I had a sore throat for couple days and it was downhill from there for the kids. Seemed like we were at the doctor just about every other day for a while there! We're talking spiking 104.5 fevers and horrible coughs. Darren and Claire were sick FOREVER and still cough quite a bit, but they are on the mend. They both seem very tired still, so I think it took a lot out of them.

Sam, Kai and I are heading to Iowa City tomorrow for an MRI for Kai. I think I have mentioned before that there is a syndrome that can be associated with his malformation, so they have to check for tethering of his spine. They had to wait until he was 6 months old because he has to be sedated for the MRI. I know that more than likely he is going to be completely fine and the MRI will show perfect results, but I am still scared/nervous/worried...I don't even know how to explain it. He has to get an IV for the sedation, which makes me want to cry because of the last time he had one. Granted, it was when he was 2 days old and dehydrated and I was post partum hormonal, but it gives me a pit in my stomach to even think about his pitiful little screams as they tried and tried and TRIED to get that stupid thing in. I will never forget that feeling as long as I live. They called from sedation the other day to get some information and tell me about the procedure, etc and said that I can hold him and they will rub some medicine on him so it's not so traumatic for him (and hopefully me! ). Plus, even though I know he's more than likely going to be fine, there is that very small chance that they will find evidence of tethering. I don't even know what they will do if they find it, but my guess would be surgery and that scares me to death. My mind gets going a million different directions and I start to think worse case scenarios and that makes me crazy. I have been earnestly praying the last few days for God to help me to leave my worries in His hands, knowing that He holds the future and all things are according to His plan, but would appreciate your prayers for this and for my baby as well.

As I type, said baby is "helping" me :) so I should probably wrap this up and get that washing machine going again! Have a wonderful Monday-it's a beautiful day!


  1. dear Tiff, as a mom, you might want tell them at admission that Kai had a really traumatic experience with an IV, at 2 days old, and request only a skilled IV technician (or nurse, or dr.) You have to advocate for your little guy, as his voice isn't too understandable yet!!! lol and you as a mom should be listened to, your feelings are important too. I'll be praying specifically that you will only get the BEST care. with love, in Him, Dianne

  2. Tiff I agree with Dianne!! YOU need to be the advocate for Kai! Believe ME I know all to well about tramatic IV's!! (ask for a senior IV tech or the dr) also does WONDERS to wrap his little arm in warm towels before they start it. Trust me I know all to well!! I will praying for the bestest for lil Kai and praying for you & Sam also. Be strong!! Julie

  3. I agree with the ladies above! I'm a nurse and work with a great group of IV starters...anesthesia nurses! You need to ask for the best they have...and certainly the warm blankets will warm up his little body which in turn opens up those vessels nice and wide so they can can find them easier. I pray that things will go smoothly and the MRI shows nothing abnormal. God will watch over you and keep you strong...I will continue to pray for you and your family!! Good Luck Little Kai!! --krystal (bright) eastman

  4. I know exactly where you are coming from Tiffany...when Dylan was younger he had a blood disorder that required a plasma transfusion. It was such a difficult time b/c we knew that if we didn't do it he wouldn't get better, but just hated for him to go thru all of that...and watching him walk down the hall in the hospital w/ his little IV pole. : ( And we too had the terrible ordeal with the IV. They tried wrapping him and pinning his arms down; which I think scared him all that much more. If you ever have to go thru the IV thing again they also told me that the flight nurses are good to request as well b/c they have to get the IVs in while in the air, so you know they have to be good to do that! I hope all has gone well for Kai--you are all certainly in my thoughts and prayers!

    Sara Ohrt
